Free eBook Download

Integrated planning:
The key to agile enterprise performance management

Unleash the potential of accurate, real-time and insightful data—mitigate the late delivery of critical information and realise true business optimisation with informed scenario planning.

Drive Better Results

Create comprehensive and actionable visibility into overall company performance and drive better results.

Easily Adapt to Change

Enable employers to be agile in responding to changing circumstances and able to make the most informed decisions possible.

Build an Integrated Organisation

Integrated Planning ensures all parts of the organisation are connected and planning across departments and teams is streamlined.

What you’ll gain from this free guide...

In life and business, failing to plan means planning to fail. 

Within a rapidly evolving business landscape, where data can change in a blink of an eye, versatile, pragmatic and informed planning is essential.

Our free ebook Integrated planning: The key to agile enterprise performance management lays down the foundations of sophisticated planning strategies that unlock the dormant potential of businesses and their teams.

Besides detailed breakdowns of our proven planning strategies, you’ll get exclusive insights into:


 – 5 Spreadsheet Errors that cost every business;

 – The Biggest Obstacles to accomplishing good work;

 – The Key to Planning Across an Organisation;

 – The Secret Truth about plans;

 – Tips to Maximise Resources for the most accurate, flexible and transparent plans; and

 – Our Ultimate Integrated Planning Solution


Take a big step towards sophisticated planning and better business. 

Download your free ebook below.

IBM Planning Analytics in the IBM Cloud™ enhances long-term planning capabilities and reduces budgeting cycles by 90%.

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